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N.E.W.T.s Read-a-thon TBR

Since I finished my O.W.L.s, the N.E.W.T.s are coming up in August! The N.E.W.T.s are the next level of wizarding tests in the world of...


It all started with one of my students asking me, "Do you like BTS?" on the first day of school. I had to admit that I didn't know who...

Reading Rush TBR

This summer I have found that read-a-thons help me figure out what I should read next. My TBR piles have grown so much that they've...

O.W.L.s Read-a-thon Wrap-Up

Hello, everyone! Where have I been, you ask? Well, I've mostly been at work. This past school year threw my department some massive...

My August Wrap-Up

In which I summarize and review all of the books I read in August, 2018. Welcome to another wrap-up! In August I soaked up the last of...

My Goodreads Reading Challenge: Mid-Year Review

This is my first time setting a yearly goal. I am an avid Goodreads user, and have been using it for six years to keep track of my...

My July Wrap-Up

In which I summarize and review all of the books I read in July, 2018. Welcome to my first wrap-up! I'm excited to share my thoughts on...

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