This is my first time setting a yearly goal. I am an avid Goodreads user, and have been using it for six years to keep track of my reading, but I have never kept track of how many books I've read in a year or set a goal for my yearly reading until this year. I don't know why I've never made a yearly goal before. It may be rooted in a terrible experience I had in seventh grade: my teacher made us make a reading goal and then demeaned my goal of 100 books per year in front of the class. So, of course, I read 100 books by the end of the school year, just to prove her wrong.
Past trauma aside, I decided to set a goal for this year to gauge about how much I read per year. I set my goal at 40 books for the year. This goal is low for me, but I made it low intentionally. There were many unknown variables when setting this goal: how many books I typically read, how much free time I would have, etc. Well, as of August 10, here is my progress:

I think it's safe to say that I'll set my goal higher for next year. Maybe 80 or 90 books? I'll let you know when I post my final total for the year in January.
Do you set reading goals? If so, how are they going this year? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Until next time, happy reading!